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Hilton Garden Inn Fairfax

Hilton Garden Inn Fairfax

3950 Fair Ridge Drive

Fairfax, VA 22033


This hotel is about 6.6 miles from the venue.

Check-in time is 4:00 PM and Check-out time is 11:00 AM.

Free parking

Free Wi-Fi

* The cut-off date to make a reservation at this hotel is May 26, 2023.


Room with two queen beds $154 per night

Room with standard King $136 per night


These rates do not include taxes. Currently the sales tax is 6% and the hotel occupancy tax rate is 7%.


Reservations must be secured with a credit card along with a first night's deposit, refundable up to 72 hours in advance of arrival date.  Rooms cancelled for any reason less than 72 hours in advance will incur an individual cancellation fee equal to one night's room rate plus applicable tax. 


To book a room at this hotel. Please use the following link.


Hilton Garden Inn Reservation Link


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ARCHER Hotel Falls Church

8296 Glass Alley

Fairfax, VA  22031


This hotel is about 12.8 miles from the venue.

This hotel is located in the Mosaic District, an upscale shopping, dining, and entertainment district in Fairfax.

Check-in time is 3:00 PM and check-out time is 11:00 AM.

Hotel is a smoke-free building.


Complimentary high-speed internet access for traveler's own devices

Complimentary arrival gift of bottled water and handmade salted caramels

Complimentary in-room Nespresso coffee experience

Complimentary Continental Breakfast in AKB Restaurant + Bar

Complimentary overnight parking in the Market Garage


* NEW CUT OFF DATE:  The cut-off date to make a reservation at

this hotel is May 26, 2023.


Classic King Room $169

Double King Room $179

Studio King Room $169


These rates do not include taxes. Currently the sales tax is 6% and the hotel occupancy tax rate is 7%

Please follow these steps to access the GROUP rate:

·         Go to

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Book Your Special Rate”

    • Go to the calendar and select your preferred arrival and departure dates

    • Then click Search

  • Reservations will require a credit card for guarantee

  • Reservations can also be made via phone at 855-240-8252. Must mention group name, Hayfield Class of '83.


Any individual guest room cancellations made after 4 PM EST, 24 hours EST, prior to arrival are charged one night's room and tax against the method of guarantee. 


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